+91-821- 230 3945
Vijayanagar, Mysuru


Home Curriculum


St. Joseph’s School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The School offers CBSE curriculum from Grade 1 to Grade 10

The CBSE envisions a robust, vibrant, and holistic school education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. The Board is committed to providing quality education to promote intellectual, social and cultural vivacity among its learners. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers future citizens to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. The Board advocates Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation with an emphasis on the holistic development of learners. The Board commits itself to provide a stress-free learning environment to develop competent, confident, and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace.

At St. Joseph's, We have a team of dedicated intellectual professionals to meet the challenges of contemporary educational practices. The educational programme at St.Joseph's is expected create self-directed, self-motivated and passionate learners, who would be sensible, sensitive and socially responsible at all times, and prove themselves to be an asset to the society, the nation and the world at large. Our teachers are passionate learners and love to connect with the children through various means to break the monotony of conventional classrooms. The community of teaching and non-teaching staff are able to influence students with their modest and exemplary approach.

Highlight of St.Joseph's school is the blend of teaching-learning process with technology. The educational methods and materials are enhanced with the help of technology tools and multimedia objects. This empowers the teachers and students to achieve effective learning in all its aspects.

Levels of Curriculum

Primary & Secondary

The Primary and Secondary sections comprise of classes from Grade I to Grade X. The minimum age for entry into Class I is 6 years (as of 31st May of the year the child is seeking admission). Furthermore, admission to the following classes increases by a year accordingly.

While the school follows a 5 -day week schedule, for class I to IV and 6 - day week schedule for Class V to X.

The primary and secondary segments mark an important transition into heavier subjects. However, with our revolutionary approach to teamwork and holistic development, our primary focus is to ensure that the children always find the right reasons to stay interested in learning at all times. The Curriculum is based on teamwork where the teachers are the facilitators for group discussions, projects as well as hands-on activities & experimentation.


The festive spirit of Christmas filled the air at St. JOSEP..


Merry Christmas! Congratulations to Our Christmas Compet..

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